
Our academic year runs annually from January to December, and is divided into three terms as follows;

January to April 2023 – Term 1
May to August 2023 – Term 2
August to November 2023 – Term 3

We continue to run the day care program during April and August holidays every year. Admissions to the school are termly and children are allowed to join at the beginning of each term.

Admission Requirements

  • Application form (filled) – Download Admission Form
  • Copy of Birth Certificate
  • Copy of Immunization Card ( both sides)
  • 2 colored Passport photos
  • Copy of Medical Records indicating any allergies
  • 2 Sets of extra clothing, diapers & baby wipes (For children who are not potty trained yet. Older children to have 1 set.)
  • Children must be in full school uniform for those in PP1 and older

Acceptance and placement is determined by the available spaces and the suitability of our school program for your child. We provide equal opportunity in education and recreational facilities for all our children without regard to race, color, religion or nationality.

Fee Structure
A fees structure for both tuition and transport can be downloaded below or obtained from the school office or by Email : on request.

Download the School Fee Structure Download the Transport Fee Structure

Day Care Service

Our day care services run all year round from January to November, but is closed in December. Please contact the office for more information about leaving your child with us.